imperial violet


Friday, June 11, 2004

live! nude (not quite)! girl!

i ‘act’ in much the same spirit as I surgically remove warts from will's feet with toenail clippers. reluctantly, rarely, and with much fear of bloodshed. but this was a really good script written, by a dear friend. plus, i had my first love scene.

in one slender action line lay miles of promise.

int. jeremy’s bedroom – day
Doris and Jeremy knock boots.

the usual sex scene suspects can be heard spouting off to letterman or conan about how erotic scenes are patently un-erotic. not hot, not wet, just hard, technical work. But me always thinked that they protested too loudly. like they didn’t want us less attractive people to feel jealous that we weren’t having filmed sex with men we’d never get for vast sums of money. now I was finally going to see for myself. I was finally going to spread my…wings.

it WAS hot. africa hot. sweltering los angeles, no a.c. hot. the kind of hot that makes you sleepy like a kitten, not sexy like a tiger. it WAS wet. because our set dresser kept spraying us with water in order to make us appear more ‘dewey.’ it WAS technical. we took great pains to look sexy and yet not have any actual groin grinding action. (philip, my love scene partner, is gay and neither of us wanted a pesky erection giving him doubts about his orientation) that said, I guess it wasn’t really ‘hard.’ but it did involve many hours, many takes, many positions and very little fun. i wish this weren’t true. i wish it had been fuckfest.

at one point, during a long break, philip and I became very drowsy. cuddled up, we drifted off, me stroking his arm. our d.p. turned on the camera and captured this lovely moment on film. in the movie, we look just like spent lovers should look- drowsy, sated, and sexy as hell.

now, i go back to normal life, hang out with all the other ‘artistic’ love scene survivors, master the secret handshake, and hope not to find myself pixilated and naked on the net.