imperial violet


Saturday, June 05, 2004

strangling puppies, redux

i ain't the sort of gal to go on at length about how we americans are over indulgent consumers, lazy, arrogant, solopsistic and self-involved to the point of awfulness. but, just in case you need further proof that this is true- at least the part where we (meaning me) are narcissistically interested in every last tiny detail of what is means to be 'us'- i offer up the following quiz.

yes, you get to find out what breed of dog you are. apparently i'm a chihuahua. wouldn't have chosen to be the taco bell dog. a friendly lab or frollicky spaniel maybe. but i'm a chihuahua. good news is, they're "loyal, sociable, and able to hotly debate an issue." they are? chihuahuas are? or the human version of chihuahuas are? it's all very confusing. is this one of those eugenics 'keeping the races clean' things where you should only date within your breed?

god, i hope not. i've got my eye on the great dane down the street.