imperial violet


Thursday, July 22, 2004

jelly roll morton's jelly roll

fie on you, fred 62!

a pox on your comfy booths filled with pointily shod, trucker capped diners.

damn your jukebox. so delicious. creating a world where the new york dolls can live side by side with husker du and hank williams, in harmony. (no, we'll leave the jukebox alone)

it's true, i love your home made pop tarts. warmed and topped with melty ice cream. but i'm through with you, see? because you insist on giving perfectly good menu items ridiculous, kitchy, and ironic names.

*devo'-lution salad?

*thai cobb?

*freddy's five fingered dime bag?

why? why? whimsy? nah. these names are designed to make we, the customer, look and feel like asses. a grown human should not be expected to say the words 'belly buster meltdown'.

i'm checking out of this hipster hotel. moving on down to denny's. where i can point to the simple menu and order that one eggy dish. and the bouffant haired waitress will say-

"'moons over my hammy?"
