imperial violet


Thursday, April 14, 2005

paparrazzi and pontiffs

the damn paparrazzi!
Originally uploaded by imperialviolet.

ms. slim attempted to leave the posh latin quarter brasserie when she was beset by the press.

after shuffling past the oggling, snap clicking photogs, slim repaired to the blvd st. germaine for a stroll along the seine.

at midnight, a softly illuminated notre dame beckoned and slim slipped inside the centuries old cathedral. there she found a service, in high latin, for the recently deceased pope.

she took a reverent seat in a close pew. the air heavy with incense, sweat, and sleepy sorrow.

an antiquated dirge was played on the beheamoth pipe organ.

a 30 foot laquered poster of the deceased pontiff unfurled. sacrament was offered and taken by many.

slim abstained.

when asked for comment- after her first trip to a roman catholic memorial service, for a pope, in a cathedral once home to quasimoto, slim replied-

"it was way creepy."