imperial violet


Thursday, May 05, 2005

more violet than violet

so, you say you like the violet. but you really want to read something similar to violet and yet not violet, eh?

a glance through my site meter found that somebody found me with the incredibly provocative '' search. but then, searched for sites similar to mine. google can provide you with a list of similar sites. similar how? what strange and wonderful and revealing and potentially frightening magic?

'similar' is a scary thing. it's like when someone says you resemble a movie start you don't like. or that you remind them of a cousin who you've met and know eats paste. this whole doppelganger or similarganger thing forces you to see yourself through someone elses eyes, by proxy.

only, in my case, i got lucky lucky lucky bitches. 'cause my top similars are way more cool than me. here you go:

1. Dirty Dan's World of Sin (my bestest minnesota twin, great taste in music, philosopher and all around outlaw poet)

2. Be the Boy (what can i say? if you know me, you know, he's my favorite person over the age of eight)

3. The Pissed Kitty Cometh (so funny, so ascerbic, way out of my league)

4. When i grow up i want to be a vampire bat (umm, i don't know on this one, i do like feasting on human blood, sooo)

5. Hot Toddy (i luuuurrrvee him, even though he ignores my advances and only ambles by here on rare occasion)

the list goes on, but here's the final entry:

20. Sweet Adeline- the official elliot smith site (this breaks my heart, i wish he would come back alive)

Go on, try your own, if you dare!!!!!!!!!