imperial violet


Thursday, June 16, 2005

sleepy jackson

it's my own damn fault. obviously i was on a fishing expedition.

you ask a cute straight boy what he finds attractive in a girl, you fishin'.

"you know what i love? if a girl was holding a dog on a leash and trying to juggle a cup of coffee at the same time and the leash kind of got tangled, and maybe her glasses were slipping down her nose? that would be the cutest."

of-course i immediately bought a dog and some glasses from a flea market and took up drinking coffee. and practiced being befuddled and clumsy in an adorable way.

but besides that...

been thinking about what is my own personal catnip.

it's sleepiness.

something about a grown man, rubbing drowsily at his eyes with the back of his hand.

or the way a boy sounds when you wake him with a phone call. groggy and cute and vulnerable. a boy whose pistons aren't all quite firing yet. a boy who doesn't have his game face on.

or if you walk in and the boy is napping on a couch and you sort of take in his sleepy boy state before you sit down gently next to him and run a hand from shoulder to foot. stroke his cheek before his eyes open. not quite focusing.

then, hopefully, he smiles. slow and dreamy.

mmmm. forget about slipping spanish fly in boy's drinks. i'm going for sleep-eez.