imperial violet


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

existential dread

the delicious one (ew)
Originally uploaded by imperialviolet.

the main benefit of being a lower order animal is not knowing that you are going to die.

dogs to not have existential dread. they hump legs. they sniff and chase balls. it's all good.

why do we insist on bestowing human characteristics upon them?

i cried like a baby, in charlotte's web, when wilbur ran around crying 'i don't want to die!'

now we've got that hot dog running for his life, in a blind panic, pursued by the hungry masses.

we, the consumer, are supposed to watch his flight and think 'poor hot dog. he really wants to live. where's them mustard?'

then you've got the chick-fil-a cows selling out their foul bretheren in a vain attempt to prevent their own demise, a la 'eat more chicken.' what do cows know about the subtle art of the double cross?

what i find particularly strange are the 'charming' characters. california raisins. foghorn leghorn for kfc. they seem to be saying 'i sing, i dance, i put seltzer down my pants. now bite my face off.'

i'm no marketeer (or mouseketeer for that matter) but can't they just say, 'it's a hamburger. it's reasonably priced. buy it.' and leave the whole animorph thing out of it?

the only thing worse is when non-meat eaters attempt to force a vegetarian lifestyle on their carnivorous pets.

they're animals. let them eat meat. or pooh. or whatever.

let them live and die and not contemplate the great herafter.

and let them be delicious.