imperial violet


Thursday, October 07, 2004

oh la la....ewwww

i get it. sort of. short black skirt. off the shoulder lace collar. fishnets. feather duster. i get the somewhat vanilla kinky appeal of a girl gussied up like a french maid. i imagine how a boy would enjoy the various and sundry associations of 'banging the help.' she cleans, but she's dirty. she's a hearty sexy gal, a subserviant with a lust for life and (presumably) your cock.

i even get why a woman might enjoy playing french maid dress up. halloween and beyond. not this woman. but A women. some woman. people must be buying these costumes, cause they're still selling them. and cool, if you wanna play it sexy servant style, have at it.

here's where i become bewildered and bothered.

why in the name of all that is holy do they have french maid costumes in young children's sizes?! what brain trust at the costume factory thought that one up?

"let's see. we've got dorothy from the wizard of oz. and a fairy princess. a pink kitty. and, yes, a li'l french maid! i love it! put it in the box right next to 'mama's little hooker', it's precious."

i don't know of any children who actually long to go into house cleaning as a profession. nor has any child i know ever seen a housekeeper dressed in fish nets and spiked heels. in my neck of the woods they're mostly no-nonsense el salvadoran women.

whose choosing this for their little girl? "here honey, never to young to start shakin' what god gave you."

not me. no siree. i'm going with the matching mommy/daughter lady godiva costumes. 'cause i'm all about family values.